People of Golem: meet team Brass

We’re back with another edition of our team updates. If you missed the previous one, check out what the CGI team has to say, and what goes behind the scenes at R&D.

People of Golem: meet team Brass

We’re back with another edition of our team updates. If you missed the previous one, check out what the CGI team has to say, and what goes behind the scenes at R&D.

Since August 2018, Golem has decided to take an approach similar to Agile, therefore, we work in teams with defined milestones, tasks, and of course, talents :)

This time, we’ll introduce team Brass - that’s right, it’s called like our current software version because the team does take care everything’s on track for the new Brass Releases. They are the people behind the fast bugfixes, that slick and awesome Electron interface that keeps improving release after release and much more.

The Brass team is quite a large one, the members are: Adam “Etam” Mizerski, Darek “Jiivan” Rybi, Karol Tomala, Kuba Mazurek, Muhammed Tanrikulu and the lead Przemek “BlueShade” Idzkiewicz.

As mentioned, the team has a well-defined set of responsibilities:

  • Development, maintenance and release process for the Golem Brass.
  • Development and maintenance of Golem’s Electron cross-platform GUI.
  • Development and maintenance of the integration with the Concent Service and coordination of work on the Concent Service itself.
  • Maintenance and development of Golem build infrastructure.
  • Automation of processes across Golem Factory.
  • And last but not least, we’re responsible for the maintenance of Golem’s cloud infrastructure.

The closest goals on Team Brass’ agenda are the mainnet release of the gWASM execution environment (which happened in October 2nd), and later this year - the Concent release on mainnet and several major improvements to Golem’s UX and GUI.

On top of this, after these milestones, and simultaneously with their ongoing task of preparing and maintaining subsequent Golem release candidates and production versions, Brass is assisting Clay, R&D and CGI with the introduction of the new use cases and with porting of the existing use cases to the new task API.

Finally, we asked them what makes the Brass Team exciting, and they told us: “We’re in the very middle of the whole business. On one hand, that’s a great opportunity to stay in-the-know with regards to all the advancements that the project and the product are going through and on the other, it’s a great responsibility and sometimes a lot of trouble to bring all the pieces together and ensure Golem is working as it should after every feature, every bugfix and each small update make it to the final yet-to-be-released version. The challenges are always new and you need to be prepared for a lot of change in a very short time. At the end of the day, when a new release is published and you know the product just got better for every fan and user out there, that’s a wonderful feeling that the other teams, working farther from the community can envy us ;).”

We hope you enjoyed this new PoG Team Update. We’ll continue with the PoG Clay Team update very soon.

Thanks for reading!

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