Parity / Multisig / Ethereum
A Statement from Golem’s CEO
A Statement from Golem’s CEO

Due to the issue in the latest Parity multisig code, all Parity
multisigs deployed after 20th of July this year are frozen. It is
unclear at the moment if the funds are recoverable, but it seems likely
that no action on the smart contract side can be taken to unfreeze those
This does not affect Golem’s main multisig holding, our crowdfunded ETH, as
it was deployed in November 2016 and is not a Parity multisig, but comes
from the ConsenSys team (now it is known as Gnosis multisig). The vast majority of Golem’s resources are unaffected. However, Golem does have hold some additional resources — a small fraction of all Golem holdings — in the Parity multisig framework and we are investigating how this may be recovered in the near future.
There is no reason for Golem’s community to be alarmed.
- Julian Zawistowski, CEO, Golem