Meme-Driven Audience Profile Development: Golem & the Web3 Stack

As we continue evolving our software and vision, we’re asking ourselves all the hard questions about what are we building, who are we building it for, and if we’re communicating it accordingly.

Meme-Driven Audience Profile Development: Golem & the Web3 Stack

As we continue evolving our software and vision, we’re asking ourselves all the hard questions about what are we building, who are we building it for, and if we’re communicating it accordingly.

While some of these questions tend to find an answer in the intersection between “highly technical + totally esoteric”, others, as audience profiling have been more concretely answered. In a “eureka!” moment of sorts, Kuba (our new Chief Product Officer), Aleksandra and myself - we found that in order for Golem to thrive, we needed to appeal the audience that’s not afraid of changes and that understands that building the web3 stack is a huge mission and we all need to collaborate to achieve it. Practically speaking: we want users that understand the processes and know that novel products need to iterate, iterate, iterate till we get a product ready to appeal masses.

#1 question we get asked :)

Now - some of you might be asking yourselves: what is this web3 stack thing they’re talking about?

At a very high level, the Web3 Stack is “a group of technologies that restructure control over the internet. These range from financial projects (cryptocurrencies), to basic communications technology (end to end encrypted messaging), to mass consumer use-cases (open social networks and p2p markets), to critical internet infrastructure (decentralized DNS).

(...) includes more than just cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and other products of cryptoeconomic design. It encompasses any technology that helps reform the centralized internet and lets users take back control (...)” - from “Making Sense of Web3 by L4 ventures.

Infographic from the Web3 Foundation Wiki 

Even though there are different approaches towards the stack as it has been around for many years (let’s leave this for another blogpost though, for the sake of brevity) - the building blocks are there, and decentralized computation is one of them.

So, why am I telling you all this? Simply put: we need to focus on the Web3 community, building bonds, learning and educating, as we are stronger together. Subsequently, we’ll be focusing a bit more on this audience - besides our beloved Golem & GNT community.

This does not mean we’ll overlook all the rest of our bigger plan - this means that we’re refining and picking our short-term “battles”.

Anyways, back to the research! We took three prime sections of the Web3 audience - and defined their characteristics, preferences, inclinations, and knowledge. This way, we now know who we’re talking to when we promote our project and the Web3 stack. We know we share a lot of things in common with these three personas: the vision for fairer systems, the self-awareness that the Web3 is still on its infancy and we need to work on it together, and memes.

I’m not joking: memes are one of the most effective ways of communicating in the era of very short attention spans. Memes have become collectibles, memes have driven us to build cool stuff (take the example of Moloch DAO, Metacartel, Doge, and to be honest - political campaigns have started to communicate with memes whether we like it or not!).

If you are still not with me, listen to this Unchained podcast with Linda Xie from Scalar Capital, “How memes can help crypto go mainstream”.

Memes get the message through. So as a test, we analyzed three personas in the Web3 ecosystem, we made them into memes, and we shared them (via my personal account - so as to check reactions without damaging our brand!). The results were overwhelmingly positive: our meme driven research knocked it out of the park. Numerous people in the decentralized ecosystem shared them, identified with one of the memes, appreciated the time we put into this and the means we chose to communicate through.

Without further ado, here are the Web3 community memes (don’t worry! We’ll make more for the community - but we wanted to test the waters) - enjoy!