Meet the winners: 0xHack

Yet another hackathon has ended! We are happy to announce the winners of the latest sprint of this hackathon season - the 0xHack hackathon.

Meet the winners: 0xHack

Yet another hackathon has ended! We are happy to announce the winners of the latest sprint of this hackathon season - the 0xHack hackathon.

But first, a recap of the past months, that have been central for Golem: in March we launched Beta1 on mainnet - the first official, albeit still experimental, mainnet version of Golem, aka Yagna. In April we ran our “Mainnet is here” hackathon, to gather feedback from our community and we also launched a Bug Bounty Competition.

In May we joined the 0xHack Hackathon organized by EthWorks, alongside other sponsors, including Polygon, Status, Hermez, Ramp, Chainlink and Moonbeam. During this hackathon, we hosted technical workshops (here you can see our workshop “Golem: Workshop: Architecture, SDKs and tips”), community discussions (here’s our Advisor discussing “Golem: Growing an ecosystem the Golem way”), and we also joined and moderated panels around NFTs and Layer2.

In the 0xHack we had an Open Track with two prizes of 5k USDC each - we wanted our community members to be free to expand the boundaries of what can be built on Golem.

For this occasion, not only we had feedback from our judging from different formations within the Golem team: Core, Apps, Tech Support and Community - but we also extended the invitation to review and provide feedback to the hackers to our community. Special thanks to ErikSouth who chipped in!

It was intense, it was fun, and it’s now over.

So let’s see the projects that won!

Yagna-binaries for aarch64

This submission (linked above) is by GitHub user MarijnStevens and ControlCplusControlV. This hack is exciting because it focuses on making 64 bit arm architecture able to run Golem. So you can get out your Raspberry Pi and put it to work!

A fun fact is that running a Raspberry Pi under maximum load should cost no more than roughly 5 dollars per year. So it’s a piece of hardware that could really suit the network and some particular lighter tasks. Something important to note is that your Raspberry Pi won’t be running at maximum load the entire time, keeping that in mind it would still be recommended to monitor your temperature and acquire cooling if you notice it getting too high.

You can view the demonstration video here. If you happen to come across any issues, don’t forget that you can open an issue on GitHub. Otherwise, you can join the community Discord and see if MSD or Nebula are available to help you.


Mutta Puffs is a sports league scheduler that schedules games for a round robin league by solving the Travelling Tournament Problem. This application was created by Naveen (aka DeveloperInProgress) and when run it will open a UI for data input and when all the data is included, the Generate Schedule button will open a second interface to interact with the Golem Network. The schedule meets 3 specific constraints and gives a solution obtained by using Population-based Annealing Algorithm.

Mutta-Puffs and the Travelling Tournament Problem benefits from the network since Golem can be used to solve the problem by dividing the search space into independent chunks and looking for an optimal solution in each of those divided search spaces in parallel on Golem providers. This journal, Population-Based Simulated Annealing for Traveling Tournaments offers more details on the challenges this exciting hackathon submission tackles!

You can find a video demonstration of the application here.

Thank you!

This hackathon might be over, but the fun is not over yet. Our team is working towards the next release, and we are exploring other ways to incentivize developers to build on top of Golem, so if you missed this opportunity stay tuned, and join our channels to be always updated on what is happening.

You can find the Golem community in the social links below:

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