gWebinars: Building on top of Golem with gWASM

Mikolaj and Jakob are part of the crypto-resistance in the year 2077. To protect the free-world they show-case our latest meta-use case, gWASM, utilizing Golem to save the city from an incoming missile attack.

gWebinars: Building on top of Golem with gWASM

Mikolaj and Jakob are part of the crypto-resistance in the year 2077. To protect the free-world they show-case our latest meta-use case, gWASM, utilizing Golem to save the city from an incoming missile attack.

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a development software platform designed as the native development platform for the web. It has flexibility in the fact that it can be compiled from any language. Starting from version 0.21.0, Golem supports WebAssembly and we call this gWASM. It is intended to be a bridge between applications and extensible infrastructure.

To begin, Jakob runs a ‘live-coding’ session, where he writes software in Rust, compiling this into WebAssembly modules and then he uses the gWASM-runner (a utility that simplifies development and execution of WebAssembly modules on the Golem infrastructure) to create a task for the Golem Network to compute. Use the gWASM quick start guide to follow along.

They then increase the complexity of the task with the Mandelbrot set fractal visualiser which you can download from our GitHub.

Shortly after, Mikolaj and Jakob receive intelligence from the crypto-resistance headquarters that their location is compromised and there are incoming missiles. In order to save the city, they use Golem to plot the trajectory of the missiles and launch a defence.