Golem Hackathon Highlights

Golem Hackathon Highlights

For one month 295 hackers from all over the world participated in the first Golem Online Hackathon and developed some incredible projects. We received 29 submissions, and while we talked about the winners for each category in a previous post, we also want to showcase all the other amazing projects that hackers submitted to the Hackathon.

Best DeFi app:

GLM-stake-pool, by Masaun: a smart contract that lets Golem's GLM token holders yield farm by staking Uniswap LP tokens. This is exciting for us because building ideas such as this is something that wasn’t possible without the migration of GNT -> GLM.

Gaming on Golem:

Golem-sudoku by Dodecane: a game of Sudoku with size variants.

Golem For Social Good:

Flan by NestorBonilla. This project creates an analysis of sector growth over a specific time frame in a country using data from CEPII. It outputs a result of which sectors that the entrepreneur might want to pay more attention to and creates a Growth Share Matrix image for the user to help display this information. Here you can find the video presentation and GitBook documentation.

Deep Art with Golem by echinocacti. A decentralized take on DeepArt that runs the tasks on Golem. This app comes with a fun front Graphical User Interface (GUI) that people can run locally, shown in the video demo.

Open Track (It’s worth noting that all the projects were also considered for Open Track):

Go-Le-M by Derekjarvis: a web based bulk image editor that allows users to upload multiple images and apply bulk actions to them, including: Rotate, Flip, Resize, Scale, Color Correction. Colorize. Results are returned in a single archive file.

Golem Neural Network Image Aesthetic Assessment by Kuoyehs: Since machine learning and deep learning requires what is usually expensive computing power, our community member developed an AI training on Golem, nothing less!

Gandom, by Rezahsnz: Tap on Golem's randomness ocean, or as the hacker put it “This project tries to extract random streams from the distributed network of computers provided by Golem”.

CadCAD Golem by Rogervs:  a wrapper for cadCAD to dispatch the simulation workload to multiple Golem nodes. Thanks to this, we can simulate the impact that a set of actions will have on a complex system by running cadCAD workloads on Golem and giving an output as a result of the parameter inputs. If you’re interested in how then feel free to follow the video guide.

Golem Image Sharpening by visualNext: an image sharpening tool.

That’s all for now, if you’re curious about the projects that so far have been developed on Golem, we strongly suggest that you have a look at Awesome Golem, a repository of community curated projects, that we update regularly.

If you didn’t get the opportunity to participate, worry not: we’ll be coming back soon with more bounties and opportunities to build and create!