Golem GitHub Digest #16: Building up to the next release.

Since the previous GitHub Digest (#15) we’ve been working hard! Not only around the Golem protocol itself, getting the next major release ready (v0.8.0) with numerous release candidates, but also with more periphery areas around the project.

Golem GitHub Digest #16: Building up to the next release.

What’s in store for this Digest?

Hi everyone, welcome to GitHub Digest #16. Since the previous GitHub Digest (#15) we’ve been working hard! Not only around the Golem protocol itself, getting the next major release ready (v0.8.0) with numerous release candidates, but also with more periphery areas around the project.

We’ve been keeping a close eye on user feedback around the Golem Stats page which now has more than 300 million API requests! We’re excited to see it being used so much by the Golem community.

So, what’s in the Golem GitHub?

There have been multiple patch releases to address some of the issues Golem users have encountered. We’re gearing up toward the v0.8.0 release which you might be able to tell by the multiple release candidates on GitHub.

These are the main points to bring up so far around the progress and future plans. The Golem project is always progressing technologically, you can keep up with the underlying progress of the Golem daemon here.

Coming up

What’s exciting about yagna v0.8.0 and yapapi v0.7.0, are multiple improvements to the protocol but also features, we’re looking to add:

  1. VPN - allowing requestors and VMs on providers to participate in a regular, private network, additionally, also enabling those VM payloads to communicate between each other, thus opening up possibilities for countless new use cases from the perspective of requestors.
  2. ARM binaries for requestors - you will be able to request on the Golem Network from an ARM device!
  3. Custom usage counters - these will enable providers to charge for e.g. the number of requests served during services’ lifetime. This is important because it will help establish the Golem Network marketplace for use cases that might arise.

Digest wrap-up!

Thanks for ready this episode of the GitHub Digest. We collect all GitHub Digest episodes on Awesome Golem, your one-stop-shop for everything Golem development. Please join the Golem chat. Anything in terms of questions, support, suggestions, and just generally interacting with the Golem community can be found there.