Golem Beta 1 - Mainnet Patch Release

With today’s release, we’re focusing on addressing the most important issues while also adding a couple of minor functionality updates. This version improves the stability and security of our product and should make running Golem smoother for both requestors and providers.

Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce a minor update and patch to our recently-released Golem Beta 1 mainnet release. We just want to start out saying thank you to everyone in the community who has been giving feedback on running Golem so far.

With today’s release, we’re focusing on addressing the most important issues while also adding a couple of minor functionality updates. This version improves the stability and security of our product and should make running Golem smoother for both requestors and providers.

For those of you interested in a detailed list of fixes and improvements included, please have a look at the full changelogs for v0.6.2, with the latest patch (v0.6.3) mostly containing a fix for Debt Notes.

As usual in such cases, we wholeheartedly encourage you to grab the update and share any and all feedback with us on chat, Reddit and over email (contact@golem.network).

Upgrading Golem Beta - Yagna v0.6.3

Going from the first mainnet release (v0.6.1) to this release (v0.6.3) is as easy as running one command. After stopping Golem (with CTRL+C), simply run the quick installation and you’re good to go!


curl -sSf https://join.golem.network/as-provider | bash -


curl -sSf https://join.golem.network/as-requestor | bash -

As a requestor, you might also want to keep in mind that it's possible you need to create a new app-key when you go to create your next task (you'll be given an error mentioning this if it's the case).

As security advice for both requestors and providers, you should be backing up your keys if you have mainnet tokens. You can back up your keys to your wallet with the export command (while Golem is running):

yagna id export --file-path=./key.json

If you’re just getting started with Golem for the first time, you want to go to the handbook and follow the steps as a Provider (video walk-through) or Requestor (video walk-through).

Upgrading as a Provider if you ran the old Alpha versions

This section is only relevant to you if you haven’t already run the Golem Beta (Yagna v0.6.1 / v0.6.2) as a provider on mainnet and the last you ran Golem was the alpha versions on testnet. Going from the old alpha versions is essentially the same, just that you also want to include the purge step. You can run the installation steps, purging your directories and create a new wallet, after that you upgraded!

Upgrading as a Requestor if you ran the old Alpha versions

This section is only relevant to you if you haven’t already run the Golem Beta (Yagna v0.6.1 / v0.6.2) as a requestor and the last you ran Golem was the alpha versions on testnet. As a requestor you’ll want to run through the install steps and include the step where you purge your working directory. Remember that you’ll need to create a new app-key.

Thanks for trying out Golem and please join the chat if you have any questions or feel free to message us on Twitter!