Community Incentives Program (CIP) November Update!

With the Community Incentives Program, we offer rewards for community contributions on a monthly, and bi-monthly basis.

Community Incentives Program (CIP) November Update!

Since we have a lot of newcomers to the Golem community in the few months we want to start by sharing that Golem has a Community Incentives Program (CIP) running. With this program, we offer rewards for community contributions on a monthly, and bi-monthly basis (depending on the prize and category). It’s a program where everyone in the community can participate and help one another or contribute anything that interests you!

In the November edition of the CIP we’re excited to cover some community contributions and follow on to the awardees.

CIP Spotlight - General Golem!

In the month of November, we initiated the GNT to GLM Migration. The purpose of this is to get ready for the new platform to move onto mainnet. On testnet we have a token already that replicates GLM token and developers are already able to use this token as simulated payment for their requesting and apps built on the new Golem platform. Last week, the Alpha 3 was revealed which utilizes an important function (`approve`) of the migrated token required in zkSync layer 2 payments and also DEXes.

Something we want to highlight is general-golem built by one of our valued community members (Doc) in their spare time. General Golem is a Dockerized Golem requestor environment that will allow you to execute a script on the golem network from your present working directory ($PWD). It also adds additional logging for debugging purposes. If you’re interested to find more cool applications built on the new platform then we’ve collect them in Awesome Golem!

Community Incentives Program - November awardees

The individuals we’ll be awarding the CIP slots for this latest round are:

Feedback Masters (1000 GNT): etakmit#2453 (Discord) and Reza#2219 (Discord)

Tech Supporters (5000 GNT): Doc#3498 (Discord) and dmcnic#0236 (Discord)

Content Creator of the Month (2500 GNT): _TBlockchain (Twitter)

If you need more information, please find Mattias in the community Discord and he will be happy to help you. :)

Wrapping Up

The CIP was created to help give back to those who love the Golem community and reward those for being part of the project that excites us! If you’re interested in getting involved in the Golem community and participating in the CIP, we would love for you to join in.

Anyone can join the program, you simply need to be active anywhere where the Golem community is discussing and interacting. For example come to Discord, /r/GolemProject and /r/GolemTrader on Reddit, Telegram (there’s also an announcements channel you can join if you want to focus only on project updates from our blog). See you again for the November round update!

Since the program requires KYC then of course you can opt-out if it’s not for you, we just want to token our appreciation and offer it in a tokenized way.