2019 Mid Term Goals Update

So now Golem’s ready to present its 2019 Mid Term Goals Update, also in its Kanban form

2019 Mid Term Goals Update

If you were with us last year, you might know what we’re about to tell you. If you were not, here’s a short recap:

Golem launched its roadmap alongside the Whitepaper, around mid-2016. Now, that’s a long time ago in Blockchain years. So last year around August, we decided that a good way to keep or community updated about our goals was to launch mid-term goals Kanban boards, for you to track our progress, upcoming milestones, and the direction of our development.

Moreover, it’s a good way for our users to know how we work, how the teams are divided, what are they focused on, and the different approaches. As last year we shifted to a scrum/Agile new way of working - we started updating in that same way.

In case you missed it, what we are talking about is the Kanban board that you have been following for the past year, and we explained the teams on this post.

So now Golem’s ready to present its 2019 Mid Term Goals Update, also in its Kanban form - but instead of explaining all teams in one post, we decided to ask them two concrete questions for you to know what they’re up to NOW and in the short term. Through these next two or three months, you will be able to read Team Updates in installments, every now and then, every team will take the spotlight and tell us everything about their work, direction, and milestones.

Before we present the Kanban, read the “two-sentence updates”  to know exactly what comes next:


“The UX team has several goals, we can divide them in short term and long term. In the upcoming month or so, we are going to revamp the website, so it features all current Golem products correctly,  and especially, we will focus on improving navigation - to show all Golem can do for the users in a more comprehensive way.

As midterm goals, we are going to be focused on improving current documentation, providing a new layout for API docs. Of course, working on Golem GUI and supporting other teams with their tasks when needed (CGI, RnD, Unlimited) is always a priority of the UX team.” - Jacek Muszyński , UX Lead


“The CGI team’s next deliverable is a new use-case demo for video transcoding, called Golem Transcoding Webservice. In addition, we’re focusing efforts on verification on SGX, complementing our 2018/2019 verification efforts which were explained in this blogpost. And almost forgot, soon we will be adding Blender 2.80 support to Golem.” - Magda Stasiewicz, CGI Lead


“Clay’s next deliverable is our community’s (and Golem’s own) hot topic: the Task API. The first release will be a very basic one, and along the line, we will iterate and improve. For the mid-term, the main goal is switching Golem to the libp2p networking stack. Other goals are further Golem modularization/refactoring and/or helping with rust-libp2p development (e.g. nat punching).” - Marek Franciszkiewicz, Clay Lead


“Apart from the usual planning and addressing issues around major Golem releases, in the next 6 months, we'll be focusing on finally launching Concent to mainnet, helping R&D with implementing gWASM and gLambda as new simple task API apps and starting the app registry service.

The Brass team upcoming deliverables are the minor update to 0.20.x enabling it to work with Golem Unlimited and launching Concent on mainnet.” - Przemysław Idzkiewicz, Brass Team Lead


“Our next deliverable: easy-to-install Unlimited as Golem network provider setup (without public IP & port forwarding). The main midterm goal is VM mode. We want to create a more simple and reliable execution environment for unlimited and standard golem than current solutions. For unlimited it will be particularly useful to be able to set up virtual networks per set of calculations.” - Przemysław Rekucki, Unlimited


“Mid-term deliverables for the R&D team:

1. gWASM: usage marketplace for gWASM, release on mainnet, performance improvements, WASI, Concent for gWASM

2. Dissemination of RASPA and further research on molecular computations on Golem

3. Molecular computations in LAN networks, i.e. GUMPI (MPI computations on Golem Unlimited) and Gromacs on Golem Unlimited

4. App Registry and licensing in Golem Network. In particular app registry for gWASM.

Our upcoming deliverables will be "Verification by Redundancy", and usage marketplace for gWASM and gWASM on mainnet.” - Lukasz Glen, R&D Lead

Now, there is much more to it, so this is why we will also publish regular Team Updates in the next couple of months, but for now, check the new Kanban

As Golem evolves, our mid-term goals schedule might change too, if so, we will inform you, no need to worry! You will also see this reflected in our Kanban. Building experimental software requires flexibility, dynamism (and patience, sometimes) so our Kanban is always a “work in progress”.

Finally, you might notice that our Kanban is broad and we have not covered all topics. As mentioned, team updates will follow with deeper dives into what you can see right now. Stay tuned,
If you have any questions - we are happy to answer them! You can ask on Reddit under this blog post's thread, or on our Chat, as always. Thank you as always, for the support!

For more details, head over to our Website